
ok these infos sound nice, the fact with the multiple read-db's is one
I haven't heard of but I'll gather all required info on that topic.

But to stay more practical, how would one realise a friend-list like
facebook or the other big networks? Is a join-table really a good
approach to realize it? If I had 100 friends, then just for ME there
would be 100 records in that table, right?

I'm not sure if I'll ever build such a network, but I'm very
interested to see how things work and how to implement such complex

On 27 Aug., 15:24, brian <bally.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A single DB table with 500,000 records is not a problem, as long as
> you're using a decent DB engine. I've used both Postgres and MySQL for
> tables with several million records. Just make sure that you use the
> DB's optimisation for large tables (eg. indexes, etc.)
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 7:23 PM,
> DigitalDude<e.blumsten...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Hey,
> > I'm wondering if it would be possible to build up a small a medium
> > social network, just testwise, with CakePHP.
> > Let's say we would have approx 50.000 users and the could connect to
> > each other, could Cake and the DB handle those masses of users and
> > information?
> > How would it be pissible to save the users relations? A
> > hasAndBelongsToMany-table where the relationships are stored would
> > take up to let's say 500.000 records in a DB table, is this possible
> > with only ONE database?
> > Although this is quite a theoretical question here, I'd be interested
> > in your opinions and suggestons.
> > Regards,
> > DD
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