I am trying to make my HTML tables look a little prettier using Ext
JS. I would like to take a simple HTML table that lists users and the
corresponding group name and produce a grouping grid in Ext JS.

There is a javascript file named from-html.js in the examples folder
of Ext JS. I have been using that to read the HTML from Cake and
transform it into a pretty simple grid. (Yes... I know having HTML
translated by javascript is not the future. The direction the CakeXT
project is going with JSON objects is better, but the grouping
functionality is not yet included...)

Simple grids work great, except for the pagination part. That will be
a separate post. It may be possible to use the Ext.data.GroupingStore
function, but I am having trouble with the syntax for the 'sortinfo'
and 'grouping'. Here is what I have so far:

    var ds = new Ext.data.GroupingStore({        // Create data
                reader: new Ext.data.XmlReader({
                        record:'tbody tr'},
//                 sortInfo: {field: 'username', direction: "ASC"},
//                 groupField:    'group_name'

With the two lines commented, I get a simple data grid. With the two
lines not comments I only get an HTML table.

Does anyone have any experience with this part of Ext JS so that I can
reference these fields? A more complete code example can be found at
http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=78141. So far no answers from
that forum... I'm hoping somebody here can help me. Please.

Thank you.
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