Hey guys,
Having a weird problem here... In my validation everything was working fine
except now I needed to change the first + surname validation fields to allow
for spaces + dashes. It was originally just working on only alphanumeric
characters. The dashes + underscores was an extra addition added now.

Here is the first name section of the $this->validation variable: (copied
directly from the cakephp book even...)

*    // First name:*
*    //  - cannot be empty*
*    //  - must be alphanumeric*
*    'name_first' => array(*
*      'name_first-1' => array(*
*        'rule'       => 'alphaNumericDashUnderscore',*
*        'message'    => 'First name can only contain alphanumeric
characters and dashes'*
*      ),*
*      'name_first-2' => array(*
*        'rule'      => 'notEmpty',*
*        'message'   => 'Please enter your firstname'*
*      )*
*    )*

and I have the function:

*  function alphaNumericDashUnderscore($data)*
*  {*
*    $value = array_values($data);*
*    $value = $value[0];*
*    *
*    return preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $value);*
*  }*

Yet the validation still comes back as a failure each time... I can't figure
this out... it should be rather simple but I just can't get it...

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