Do you have any insight into the reason for keeping Cake1.2 on PHP

At the moment the latest stable CakePHP will not run on the latest
stable PHP. Since this just sound odd I imagine there was a
discussion, reasons weighed for and against, tests done and all that.

I ask since my current course of action has been to patch Cake on my
laptop so it will suppress the "deprecated" warnings. It looks like
everything runs ok but if you know of some real problems
(incompatibilities) that stopped you from going to 5.3, I'd love to
hear about it.

I must also agree with d. The roadmap ahead looks very good and work
seems to progress really fast.
Unfortunately a lot of the time I am working on a released application
and need to stay on 1.2 to be compatible with the production-server.

Oh, and another thing. Should the requirements on the Cookbook be
altered? It shows nothing about the whole 5.2, 5.3 thing.

On Aug 31, 11:57 pm, jperras <joel.per...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Coffee, and very understanding girlfriends/boyfriends/husbands/
> wives ;-).
> On Aug 31, 12:08 pm, d <mil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > how do you guys find the time? seriously. you people are awesome.
> > On Aug 31, 7:19 am, jperras <joel.per...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Alright guys, it seems like you're all a bit confused.
> > > If you only read one line of this entire post, read this: CakePHP 1.3 !
> > > = Cake3
> > > Now, while this may seem obvious to many, you guys have made the same
> > > mistake that I've seen a few times on the #cakephp channel. The first
> > > is a branch in the cakephp 1.x project, and the last is a completely
> > > different beast altogether.
> > > CakePHP 1.2 supports PHP4 and PHP5.2, inclusively. PHP 5.3 introduced
> > > a few changes to the error handler flags, which we have accounted for
> > > in CakePHP 1.3-dev and will be accounting for in all subsequent
> > > releases.
> > > The reason we are not including PHP 5.3 compatibility in CakePHP 1.2.x
> > > is that we want people to move forward to CakePHP 1.3 & up when they
> > > become stable. If you're willing to update the php *language* to a new
> > > point release and not willing to update your application to a new
> > > framework point release, I think you have a slight disconnect. If you
> > > want, you could always apply the patches that we have committed to 1.3-
> > > dev to a local git branch, and continue on your merry way by merging
> > > in upstream changes from 1.2.x into your local branch.
> > > CakePHP 1.2.x and 1.3.x are in *the same project*, 
> > > athttp://code.cakephp.org/cakephp
> > > . 1.2 and 1.3-dev are simply different branches.
> > > CakePHP 2.0, a *different project*, is *also* being worked on, which
> > > will be PHP 5.2 and up *only*, meaning we're dropping support for
> > > PHP4. Seehttp://code.cakephp.org/cakephp2tofollowalong the
> > > development of this project. The goal of this release is to be a
> > > nearly transparent upgrade for anyone running CakePHP 1.3 stable
> > > (whenever that is released), meaning that the two should be pretty
> > > much 100% API compatible.
> > > Finally Cake3 is a *different project*, found 
> > > athttp://code.cakephp.org/cake3.
> > > This is an experimental project which is a complete rewrite of the
> > > CakePHP framework from the ground up, and will *only* support PHP 5.3
> > > and up.
> > > I hope this clears up some of the confusion.
> > > -jperras.
> > > On Aug 30, 2:45 pm, Miles J <mileswjohn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Yeah im pretty positive it wont be interchangeable. It uses a whole
> > > > new model setup and also uses namespaces.
> > > > The most you can do is interchange between 1.3/2.0.
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