I've built a system called "Register" who manage a table with a
key=>value logic with a little complex "key" definition.

A key is generally a meaningfull string such "elementsPerPage",
"applicationName", etc...
This string is an unique identifier in Register.

To reach a more sophisticated level of definition I attach to my key
an "area" contextualization.
An area consist in another string who restrict the "key point of

This way you can define a general "appName" used for entire website
and define a "users.appName" who change the context of my key.

In the end I want to use a localizable info so my key+area is
completed with a "lang" identifier to reach a value in a very
meaningull (but simple) notation:

"appTitle" => My Web Site Application
"users.appTitle" => My User Management Application
"it.usersAppTitle" => Gestione Utenti

This is a simple logic system. You can implement it with a model or a
compontent: the choise is your!

On Sep 3, 9:41 am, Martin Westin <martin.westin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd say that what is best depends on how many preferences you
> anticipate in your application.
> One field per preference in the user's table works fine for a very few
> but can start looking messy after a while.
> I have seen e-commerce applications with 50+ fields in the products
> table (is_hardware, amd_socket_compatible, usb, ...). The "amd"
> boolean is only relevant for motherboards and CPUs, "usb" only for
> external disks and other peripherals. They work but to me it just
> looks a mess. :)
> If you think you will be adding a bunch of other preferences soon then
> you might want to think of a more flexible setup.
> When things are just a little more complex that 2-3 preferences I have
> used a serialized array in a single field. This has major drawbacks if
> you ever want to query the data but for preferences I have sometimes
> chosen them because they can store hierarchies of preference data.
> This would be comparable to data in a Cake session or the Configure
> class only stored in the database.
> If you anticipate more preferences and possible more dynamic data
> stored you can look at a technique where you have a table that stores
> key, value pairs linked to the User. That way only set and relevant
> preferences will be stored but there might be a bit more sql trickery.
> I use this when I import meta-data from uploaded files and the kinds
> and amount of data can vary greatly. This will sort-of be a virtual
> dynamic table of a table. There was some posts about it last fall or
> winter... might find them in a search.
> /Martin
> On Sep 2, 7:01 pm, "Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com"
> <d...@widepixels.com> wrote:
> > I have a Posts section which has a bookmark feature for users to save the
> > posts they like....
> > Now I want to add a preferences section to the users table with a field
> > "display" which will be a bool true / false so when they view posts it will
> > either pull all posts or ones they have not bookmarked only based on the
> > "display" value and pass those posts to pagination.
> > What would be the best way to do this?
> > I was thinking:
> > in the query I have contain bookmark which gets the post_id
> > so if the Bookmark.post_id is in the Post.id remove it from the array
> > What would anyone suggest?
> > thanks
> > Dave
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