
I'm using Router::parseExtensions and RequestHandler to recognise
extensions, which is working great.  I can set up example.com/widgets/
do_stuff and also example.com/widgets/do_stuff.xml, and both work as

When I try passing an argument, I would have expected the URL should
look like example.com/widgets/do_stuff.xml/true or example.com/widgets/
do_stuff.xml/foo:true, but those don't work.  It stops using do_stuff
() and starts looking for do_stuff.xml().

I tried example.com/widgets/do_stuff/true.xml and example.com/widgets/
do_stuff/foo:true.xml on the offchance that was the way I was supposed
to phrase the URL, and indeed, it seems to work.  So just to make sure
I'm doing it right, is that the URL format I'm supposed to use?  It
seems so, but I want to make absolutely sure I'm doing thinks the
correct CakePHP way.

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