In reference to the bottom f your post. utf-8 and latin1_swedish_ci do
not mix.

Since the field is empty I suspect you may have Sanitize in place, or
some other text cleaner. A simple character set problem should give
you garbage but not empty strings.


On Oct 1, 5:59 pm, "Dr. Loboto" <> wrote:
> 1. App.encoding must be UTF-8 (core.php)
> 2. Database encoding must be UTF8 (MySQL)
> 3. Database connection encoding must be UTF8 (database.php)
> 4. Layout or server settings must define pages encoding as UTF-8 (app/
> layouts/default.ctp and etc or Apache AddDefaultCharset)
> 5. Files with non-latin symbols must be in UTF-8 ecoding without BOM
> On Oct 1, 7:48 pm, Melanie Sommer <>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have the following problem, I already googled but did not find an
> > answer although I think it must be a quite common problem:
> > When adding or editing and inserting a special character in a text
> > field (for example ä, ö, ü, ², µ, ...) everything seems at first to
> > work fine. The text is correct in the mysql databse and is displayed
> > correctly in any view.ctp or index.ctp.
> > But when trying to edit this entry, that means calling edit.ctp with
> > "$form->input('title');" the text field containing special characters
> > simply stays completely empty. So I do not have the problem that the
> > special characters are displayed wrong, the whole content is simply
> > not displayed at all.
> > If it is important my settings are:
> > app/core.php
> > Configure::write('App.encoding', 'UTF-8');
> > my mysql database collation is latin1_swedish_ci
> > Thanks for any advise!
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