actually i have been using 0 instead of false or null
works for me

On 8 Okt., 22:03, Miles J <> wrote:
> Try setting null instead of false, Cake acts weird sometimes with
> "false".
> On Oct 8, 12:05 pm, ben <> wrote:
> > I was able to overcome this behavior by setting this in my routes.php
> > Router::connect('/admin/users/login', array('controller' => 'users',
> > 'action' => 'login'));
> > It did the trick for me.  My only issue now is that once the user is
> > logged in they do not go back to the page they were attempting to
> > access but instead are redirected to the root of the site.
> > -Ben
> > On Oct 8, 8:37 am, ben <> wrote:
> > > I have the same exact issue and have been searching for a solution for
> > > several days now...
> > > On Sep 26, 4:06 am, Marcelo <> wrote:
> > > > I'm using Auth component and this is one of the settings in my
> > > > AppController's beforeFilter() method:
> > > > $this->Auth->loginAction = array(
> > > >                         'controller' => 'users',
> > > >                         'action' => 'login',
> > > >                         Configure::read('Routing.admin') => false
> > > >                 );
> > > > When i access:
> > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > "todos/view/5"                redirects to -----> "users/login"   GOOD
> > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > "admin/todos/edit/5"      redirects to ----> "users/login"    GOOD
> > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > "admin/users/add"         redirects to ----> "admin/users/login"  BAD,
> > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > I have no admin_login() action. My login action is NOT under admin
> > > > routing.
> > > > It should redirect to "users/login" since i've disabled admin prefix
> > > > within my loginAction configuration.
> > > > It only happens with Users controller!
> > > > I would appreciate an explanation for this strange behavior.
> > > > Thanks in advance,
> > > > Marcelo Kanzaki
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