Another thing I forgot to mention. You should be using full strings you want
translated for the msgid.Example:

msgid "By registering on this web site you are..."

This is the way the core was designed to handle translations. You will also
find it much easier for people to translate your application if they have
everything they need in the 1 .po file vs looking for the text related to a
place holder.

* @author Larry E. Masters
* @var string $userName
* @param string $realName
* @returns string aka PhpNut
* @access  public

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Rob <> wrote:

> Any1 thought about creating little snippet which could speed up
> hardcoded localization process.
> Here is the simple scenerio:
> 1) find strings within __('...') __('...',true) string patterns in /
> app folder
> 2) build arrays from default locale *.po files containing locale keys
> 3) append to end of these files missing id keys in form:
> msgid "_register_disclaimer"
> msgstr "TOODOO"
> i create many multilang apps and i believe it could be major speed
> boost for ppl like me.
> we dont need to update these files manually every time we use __(). we
> just run script when app is ready or changed and just update TOODOO
> strings or send them to translators.
> If some1 came up with idea how this could be easly done i would
> apreciate this.
> regular expressions? if so, how to build fault free one?
> >

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