Check Marks blog:

I tried it, but no luck yet.
CakePhp 1.3 seems to be more picky about this than 1.2.
Will bake a fresh app and make it work, and then try and backtrack my
own project.. :)

On Oct 25, 5:15 pm, dijichi <> wrote:
> I have exactly the same problem, with mootools.  Anyone got this
> working?
> On Oct 22, 10:13 pm, jacmoe <> wrote:
> > I tried Mootools, jQuery and Prototype - no luck. :)
> > Prototype and Mootools seems to be ignored by Cake..
> > 'Js' => array('Prototype') or 'Js' => array('Mootools')
> > I only get regular, non-Ajaxed pagination.
> > However, when choosing jQuery, the links stops working.
> > By that I mean: they are dead. Nothing, not even regular pagination,
> > happens.
> > This is my link lines:
> > echo $this->Html->script(array('prototype', 'scriptaculous'));
> > echo $this->Html->script(array('mootools-1.2.4-core-jm',
> > 'mootools-'));
> > echo $this->Html->script(array('
> > jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js', '
> > jqueryui/1.7.2/jquery-ui.min.js'));
> > I am not loading them at the same time. And I load them in my main
> > layout, in head, just before <?php echo $scripts_for_layout; ?>
> > By the way, here's my paginator options:
> > <?php $paginator->options(array('update' => 'listing', 'indicator' =>
> > 'spinner', 'url' => $this->passedArgs)); ?>
> > And here's my paginator links:
> >                 <?php echo $paginator->prev('<< '.__('previous', true), 
> > array(),
> > null, array('class'=>'disabled'));?>
> >          |      <?php echo $paginator->numbers();?>
> >                 <?php echo $paginator->next(__('next', true).' >>', 
> > array(), null,
> > array('class'=>'disabled'));?>
> > I will make a minimal app, and see if I can get it to work there..
> > I am doomed. :P
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