Prof.No Time

try to take a coffee cup and get relaxed, this is my current solution/
tips/tricks for the moment

1)put this in your AppController class
final protected function _logout() {
        if (!empty($this->Cookie)) {
                //this ensures if you were using the Cookie component along 
with the
Auth component (the famous remember me checkbox)
                //and you have saved the credentials inside cookie
                //you should delete the credentials from the cookie when you 
log out
                //no need to verify if you have already saved the credentials 
cookie, no error is thrown
        return $this->Auth->logout();

2)your UsersController class logout() method should be now like this
public function logout() {

3)your UsersController class beforeFilter() method/callback should be
now like this
public function beforeFilter() {
        //please specify the always allowed actions... logout should be the
first one of course
('logout','forgotpassword','resetpassword','activate','register'/* put
here any other always-allowed action*/);
        if ($this->Auth->user()) {
                if (in_array($this->params['action'],array
('forgotpassword','resetpassword','register','activate'))) {
                        //if you are forgetting your password,
                        //if you resetting your password,
                        //if you are registering as a new user,
                        //or if you are activating you new accout via url
                        //you should not be logged in ... yea this is logic
                } elseif($this->params['action']=='login') {
                        //you are already logged in, no need to login again
        } elseif ($this->params['action']=='logout') {
                //you are already logged out, no need to log out again

now have a nice baking day....
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