To be more specific in addressing, "I'm also still not
sure if reorder() recurses as far as it can, or just one level. " --
Yes, it will recurse the tree until it finds no children in all
affected branches.

On Nov 2, 8:25 pm, Kerr <> wrote:
> Hi, I've been playing around with thetreefunctionality as well.
> Looking at the code, you'll notice that thereordermethod calls
> itself recursively.  If you want toreorderthe entiretree, simply
> pass no arguments... e.g.
> $this->reorder();
>   Overall, I'm pretty impressed so far with how easy thetreemethods
> make it to deal with the adjacency list hierarchy model.  I've had to
> code this kind of stuff from the ground up in SQL Server, and it was a
> major PITA.
> On Oct 29, 5:27 am, MonkeyGirl <> wrote:
> > Hi.
> > I'm trying to order atreesuch that for any given node on thetree,
> > all its children appear alphabetically, including the top level.
> > If I understand thereorder() method correctly (it has sparse
> > documentation at
> > but the API 
> > at
> > is more informative), then you need to pass it the IDs that need
> > editing.  I want toreorderthe whole entiretreethough, so I made my
> > own reorderAll() method in /app/app_model.php:
> >   function reorderAll($options = array()) {
> >     $parentIDs = $this->find('list', array(
> >       'fields' => array(
> >         'parent_id'
> >       )
> >     ));
> >     $parentIDs = array_unique($parentIDs);
> >     foreach ($parentIDs as $parentID) {
> >       if (!empty($parentID)) {
> >         $options['id'] = $parentID;
> >         $this->reorder($options);
> >       }
> >     }
> >   }
> > Is this a good way of approaching it?  The most obvious problem I can
> > see at the moment is that the top level still isn't getting
> > alphabetised, and I'm not sure how to do this.  I'm also still not
> > sure ifreorder() recurses as far as it can, or just one level.
> > Thanks for any help or suggestions!
> > Zoe.
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