I would like to know if there is any official (or at least supported /
under development) mechanism that would allow me to create hooks so
that i can hook certain plugin functions into a controller.

What would be sweet :

Controller hooks

For example let-s say we have a two statistics plugins. One checks the
ip, one checks the searchphrase. They both basically work with the
same data, and could be hooked into the afterFilter or smth.

So the idea would be to be able to register a hook, and then (using
naming conventions ??), certain (plugin) functions to be called.

View hooks

Would be great such thing to also exist for the views, let-s say we
register a viewHook called "product_addons", so if we develop a "rate
the product" plugin, the view would take a ctp from the plugin and
render the stars and the rating form in that hook. And of course when
disabling the plugin, searching for the things to be rendered there
will return empty. Whatever.

I've seen something like (controllerHooks) this at Tarique Sani's
Cheesecake, in his hitStats plugin. It has some AppInit component that
will do the hooks. I'm not sure how it works, I've not investgated
further as the software seems to be quite old (1.1 framework version I
think). There was another implementation like this called SpliceIt,
but is not mantained, and seems quite old also.

Is there any reccomended way of actually plugging/unplugging custom
logic ? Because the plugins seem more like separate apps (that can use
the main's app logic, and not the other way arround, which is ok after
all) to me. Maybe I missed something, but I can't find a way to
elegantly plug in/out custom logic into the controllers.

For plugging in/out custom elements/views i didn't find anything :(.

Probably doing this in models is wrong by design.

Maybe I have some brain damage from other apps I modified. But there
are plenty of components and helpers that make development a breeze,
until you need to actually do a plugin that can also easly plug out.
This is one of the reasons I think apps like wordpress, prestashop and
similar have a bigger community than any cakephp based app outhere
(for example CheeseCake is a good photoblog, but without other (spam
filtering for example) plugins is not to be considered by most
photographers out there, and noone is willing to create one if there
is no standard way to develop plugins in cakphp, and everytime you
have to rediscover how the developer implemented the hooks). I think
this would make easier for us to port plugins from one app to another,
thus making creation of feature rich software easier.

Is very hard to do anything but custom software on cakephp, as for
example creating a good shopping cart will essentially rule out 3'rd
parties from developing payment or shipping plugins. Most of those
payment plugins for example do the same thing, but using different
apis. From the cart's point of view they all act the same, send a
form, receive an answer, update the cart's status. But there is no
elegant way to plug in/out these modules. And the funny thing is most
of them do not even need a table, just a form and a way to validate
the answer and change cart's status.

Some time ago I developed some publishing software with cake (1.1). It
was great, until it came to statistics. I had to add lots of
requestActions in the before and afterFilters. Right now is some kind
of mess (as removong a "plugin" would also mean to remove the added
logic into the main apps controllers and views). The next thing I
develop I would like to not become so messy.

(Btw, sluggable behaviour, bindable behaviour, meio upload and magick
resize helper spared me a lot of work, 10x god the community is
strugling to add cool functionality to the framework).

I searched about this topics, but I didn't find much. I checked
various apps for ideas, but most of them are outdated.

Is there anything like this in plan ? Is there any component that
already do that ?

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