
1. $form->end(array('label' => 'Submit', 'div' => false)) <- It helps
to look at the documentation sometimes.

2. Not really, but you can do Router::url(array('controller' =>
'...')) anywhere in your application to get the correct url.

3. Router::url('/', true);

On Dec 26, 7:14 am, engine <radicalet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> please help me with the following problems i often come across them
> 1. $form->end("submit") doesnt have "div" = false attribute that div is
> making my form look ugly in IE, how to get rid of that div
> 2. is there any way to create links and form without using those helpers
> that always points to the right controller and action.
> 3. What is cakephp global variable for current web root url for example if
> my cake  is running in subfolder called cake inside htdocs of XAMPP and i
> use to access the site withhttp://localhost/cake/
> what variable can return "http://localhost/cake/";
> I am grateful to any helping words...
> thanks
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