Try playing with the 'recursive' param:

$data = $this->Port->find(
                'fields' => array('*'),
                'recursive' => 2


Alternatively, if you are using ContainableBehavior (I recommend
setting AppModel to use it so it's always available) you can do this:

$data = $this->Port->find(
                'fields' => array('*'),
                'contain' => array(

To see the data array:


I just noticed that you named your variable $ports, not $data. Adjust
as necessary.

On Mar 22, 7:53 am, sebb86 <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to show the following things in my view (respectively in the
> field uplink_id in the view): attribute "uplink_id" from table "ports"
> with attribute "schenker_number" from table "hardware_units".
> My problem are the associations, respectively i don't know the source
> code to retrieve the information i want.
> Fields:
> - "id" (table "ports" = primary-key)
> - "hardware_unit_id" (table "ports", = foreign-key associated with
> "id" from table "hardware_units")
> - "id" (table "hardware_units" = primary-key)
> - "uplink_id" (table "ports" = foreign-key associated with "id" from
> table "ports")
> Example with values:
> - "id" (table "ports") has value 4
> - "hardware_unit_id" has value 2 ---> "id" (table "hardware_units")
> has also value 2
> - "uplink_id" has value 1 (points to the "id" (table "ports" with
> value 1)
> So when i do this:
> {{{
> echo $port['HardwareUnit']['schenker_number'];
> }}}
> , i get the "schenker_number" from the hardware_unit, which is
> associated with the port ("id" = 4) BUT i need the "schenker_number"
> which matches with the "hardware_unit_id" from the port with "id"
> value 1 because of the "uplink_id" (value 1).
> **Model:**
> {{{
> class Port extends AppModel
> {
>   var $name= 'Port';
>   public $belongsTo = array(
>         'HardwareUnit' => array(
>         'className'  => 'HardwareUnit'
>          )
>    );
>    var $hasOne = array(
>     'PortUplink' => array(
>     'className' => 'Port',
>     'foreignKey' => 'uplink_id'
>     )
>    );
> }}}
> **Controller:**
> {{{
> class PortsController extends AppController
> {
>         var $name = 'Ports';
>         function index()
>         {
>                 $this->set('ports', $this->Port->find('all'));
>         }
> }}}
> **View:**
> {{{
> <?php foreach ($ports as $port): ?>
> <td style="text-align:left"><?php echo $port['Port']['uplink_id']; ?></
> td>
> }}}
> Please don't hesitate to ask if i expressed myself unclearly.
> Thanks if someone can help.
> Greetings. :)

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