To make things easier, lets strip this back to the core requirements
then you can add in your specific formatting afterwards

$form->input('User.country_id', array('empty' => '-- Select --'));
echo $ajax->observeField('UserCountryId', array('url' =>
'countrySelect', 'update' => 'countryAction'));

This should trigger an ajax call to /app/users/countrySelect which
sets a $regions array and renders /app/view/users/country_select.ctp
using the ajax layout (you've obviously managed to get this far).  /
app/view/users/country_select.ctp view could look as simple as

$form->input('User.region_id', array('empty' => '-- Select --'));
echo $ajax->observeField('UserRegionId', array('url' =>
'regionSelect', 'update' => 'regionAction'));

I have switched everything back to using cake's conventions, as it's
much easier to learn cake that way.

I imagine both the country and region fields are foreign_keys linking
to tables containing the Countries and Regions which are in turn
related to allow you to know which regions to show for which country
etc.  All foreign keys should have _id after them and form->input will
automagically look for a countries array if a field is called
country_id and a regions array for the field region_id.



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