Two options...

Use $this->Service->find(); instead


I would use the Containable behaviour - this seems like such a recurring piece 
of advice from me - but it really does solve a heap of issues! If you don't use 
contain, you are more or less letting Cake decide what data to bring back - and 
I have worked on a few second hand systems where a single, simple, find 
statement has brought back almost the entire database - seriously. Imagine what 
that does to performance...

Create app_model.php and store it in the same folder as app_controller.php.

class AppModel extends Model {

        var $actsAs = array('Containable');
        var $recursive = -1;

Now, you have switched off recursion across the system, so by default a find 
will only bring back the 'current' model's table (in other words, no associated 
This might mean you have to revisit some existing queries. But the benefit is 
that you can now do really finds. In your case:

                'conditions' => array('' => $id),
                'fields' => array(..field list...),
                'Contain' => array(
                        'Credential' =>
                                'fields' => array(...field list...),
                                        'CredentialType' => array(
                                                'fields' => array(...field 

You could also just put the containable behaviour inside your Service model, 
but I don't see the point of doing something so beneficial on just a portion of 
your app.

Jeremy Burns

On 14 Apr 2010, at 22:01, Joshua Taylor wrote:

> Situation:
> Viewing a service.
> A service has credentials.
> Credentials have a credential type.
> I'm using $service = $this->Service->findById($id); to set all the
> data for my view.  I have all the database associations set up
> correctly (I think):
> Service hasMany Credential.
> Credential belongsTo Service, CredentialType.
> CredentialType hasMany Credential.
> How can I get it to retrieve CredentialType.title, so I can display
> the title instead of the Credential.credential_type_id value, which is
> worthless to a person viewing the service?
> I really don't want to use recursive = 2 (although it works), because
> it creates enormous database overhead!  (55 queries vs. 25)
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