I was creating an "add" form for a model called Practitioner.
Everything seems to work fine, after submitting the form changes are
saved successfully in Practitioner table and in every table related to
Practitioner model, but a weird error is showing up that's claiming
for a "rght" field in my Practitioner model, and I don't know what
this "rght" field stands for and it isn't in any of my tables.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

This is the error I get:

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'Practitioner.rght' in
'field list' [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line
Code | Context

            $out = null;
            if ($error) {
                trigger_error('<span style="color:Red;text-
align:left"><b>' . __('SQL Error:', true) . "</b> {$this->error}</
span>", E_USER_WARNING);

$sql    =       "SELECT MAX(`Practitioner`.`rght`) AS `rght` FROM
`practitioners` AS `Practitioner`   WHERE 1 = 1    LIMIT 1"
$error  =       "1054: Unknown column 'Practitioner.rght' in 'field list'"
$out    =       null

DboSource::showQuery() - CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/
dbo_source.php, line 666
DboSource::execute() - CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/
dbo_source.php, line 256
DboSource::fetchAll() - CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/
dbo_source.php, line 400
DboSource::read() - CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php,
line 805
Model::find() - CORE/cake/libs/model/model.php, line 2093
AppModel::find() - APP/app_model.php, line 40
TreeBehavior::__getMax() - CORE/cake/libs/model/behaviors/tree.php,
line 904
TreeBehavior::beforeSave() - CORE/cake/libs/model/behaviors/tree.php,
line 157
ModelBehavior::dispatchMethod() - CORE/cake/libs/model/
model_behavior.php, line 169
BehaviorCollection::trigger() - CORE/cake/libs/model/
model_behavior.php, line 494
Model::save() - CORE/cake/libs/model/model.php, line 1284
PractitionersController::admin_add() - APP/controllers/
practitioners_controller.php, line 650
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 204
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 171
[main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 83

Query: SELECT MAX(`Practitioner`.`rght`) AS `rght` FROM
`practitioners` AS `Practitioner` WHERE 1 = 1 LIMIT 1

Warning (2): array_values() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean
given [CORE/cake/libs/model/behaviors/tree.php, line 904]

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