Wow.  Are you trying to corner the market on snarky replies in this group?

Yes, the cookbook does detail the redirect method. It buries it five levels deep. It even says it is " The flow control method you'll use most often." How much documentation does the Cookbook give to this, the most used method? One page. Twelve whole lines of code, comments included. One browser page. That page even makes things WORSE, by having conflicting info. The syntax example at the top says the first parameter should be a url string. The first code example conflicts this by making the first parameter an array.

So despite your best efforts to be a dick and waste peoples time, you managed to answer my question. Thanks.


On 6/11/10 1:02 PM, calvin wrote:
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're not just an obvious
troll. So please enlighten us on the cake-specific way to create a
multi-step action.

And the cookbook _does_ tell you how to redirect and how to create
links or buttons.

You may as well start complaining that the Cookbook doesn't have an
example forum/online store/CRM app/search engine/webmail app and a
million other applications.

The Cookbook already explains the syntax for the redirect() method. It
also gives numerous examples. If you want the Cookbook to include a
list of all the scenarios where an HTTP redirect should be used, which
has nothing to do with Cake, then you are confusing the Cookbook with
a general web development guide.

On Jun 10, 8:25 am, Windex<>  wrote:
And creating a multi-step action in Cake is no different from
creating one in a non-Cake app.
Except for all the cake specific ways to accomplish those tasks.

What's wrong with just redirecting the user to the next action/form
instead of index at the end of each action? If you need to add a back
button, then just add a link in the view as shown in the cookbook
section on the Html Helper.
These kind of examples are what the OP i think was referring to.
Theres the standard no framework way of redirecting, theres the ugly
hacks using cake specific functions, then there is the correct cake

If you need to store persistent data, then
just use session variables like you would in any other application.
There's nothing here that a little common sense and basic web
development knowledge can't solve. I don't think it's reasonable to
expect the Cookbook to hold your hand and walk you through every
possible programming scenario that you might encounter in your web
No but expanding on all those methods specific to cake used to
accomplish such tasks isn't asking to much....

If you want web development tutorials on how to solve real-world
programming problems, then try It has a lot of general
PHP (and other languages) development tutorials on all kinds of real-
world web development problems, like implementing different types of
session management systems, how to implement a search engine, etc.
I think its clear from this post you have missed the point and you
should have just said something like 'lrn2webdesign' it would have
provided just as much information and saved you some time.
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Georgia Institute of Technology

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