Awesome! So what is your directory structure (step 3)?

Is it




Also, did the styles still get served properly after step 5
(protecting the transfer directory)?

I would love to see how you made it work! Would you mind posting an
example or emailing me the relevant code?
If I can get it working I think it would be great to add this as a
full-on tutorial in the wiki.

Thank you!!

On Jul 6, 6:11 pm, randy <> wrote:
> So glad to see someone else is taking a crack at this...
> Thanks to your post i was able to make a bit of headway...when i set
> this up the first time I had troubles with getting things right in my
> bootstrap.php file. However, i had a fairly easy time with other parts
> of this, namely the actual file-upload and metadata fields.
> I just set this up again using your instructions for bootstrap.php,
> and with just a few more adjustments I have it uploading files to the
> transfer directory and spitting out copies of the original, in
> different sizes.
> There are just two more things that I want to get working...I'd like
> to use the Media Helper to pull in my uploaded images, and, most
> importantly, I'd like to get the file-renaming functionality working
> so that users don't overwrite each others files. This also makes it
> tough to guess filenames if people go fishing for the uploaded images.
> I am running this on a cake 1.3 setup in case anyone was wondering.
> On Jul 5, 1:30 pm, dbme <> wrote:
> > I'm just getting started with CakePHP and also David Persson's Media
> > plugin ( I've got my app working
> > but I'm having a difficult time getting the Media plugin working. I
> > figured I'd start this thread so I could A.) get it working and B.)
> > create a reference for beginners like me.
> > Here's what I've done so far (following the README and Configuration
> > wiki - Steps
> > marked with a * didn't go as documented :(
> > 1. Download and extract the files to /path/to/your/app/plugins/media
> > 2. Include the Media plugin config file in the /path/to/your/app/
> > config/bootstrap.php
> >         define ( 'MEDIA_TRANSFER', APP . 'transfer' . DS);
> >         define ( 'MEDIA_TRANSFER_URL', false);
> >         require APP . 'plugins/media/config/core.php';
> > * 3. Create the directory structure using the console
> > cd  /path/to/your/app/
> > ../cake/console/cake media init
> > The Configuration wiki says that there should be a static, filter, and
> > transfer directory under the webroot/media/ directory but the command
> > above will put the transfer directory under the app directory. Not
> > sure if this is how it should be or if I did something wrong.
> > * 4. Copy/move/collect the media into the new location
> > ../cake/console/cake media collect
> > But this results in a bunch of errors :(
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > -----
> > Media Shell
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > -----
> > PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/
> > app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 119
> > Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/app/
> > plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 119
> > PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: pluginVendorPaths in /var/www/
> > portfolio/app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line
> > 130
> > Notice: Undefined variable: pluginVendorPaths in /path/to/your/app/
> > plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130
> > PHP Warning:  array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /path/to/
> > your/app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130
> > Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /path/to/your/
> > app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130
> > PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/
> > app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 132
> > Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/app/
> > plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 132
> > Would you like to add another path?
> > So I'm assuming maybe I've done something wrong. I will press on and
> > instead just move the files manually:
> > mv webroot/js/* webroot/media/static/js/
> > mv webroot/css/* webroot/media/static/css/
> > mv webroot/img/* webroot/media/static/img/
> > mv webroot/vendors/js/* webroot/media/static/js/
> > mv webroot/vendors/css/* webroot/media/static/css/
> > mv webroot/vendors/img/* webroot/media/static/img/
> > That works, minus the vendors directory (because I dont have one).
> > At this point the app is no longer styled. e.g. the stylesheet is not
> > in the proper path and afaik there isn't anything telling the app
> > where to find it. :-/
> > Next step.
> > * 5. Protect the transfer directory
> > ../cake/console/cake media protect
> > Doesn't work. I just get the message: The content of the transfer
> > directory is not served. Guess I'll create this one manually as well.
> > nano transfer/.htaccess
> > Order deny,allow
> > Deny from all
> > Save and exit.
> > 6. Give up.
> > Actually I pressed on but there really isn't any thorough
> > documentation after this point.
> > Any help would be appreciated. I'd love to put together some
> > documentation that would help other n00bs like me get this thing set
> > up.

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