This is my model:
class result extends AppModel{
var $name='Result';


The entire action ( i didnt include the whole thing before)
function findrace()
           {$this->set('title_for_layout','Connecticut Industrial Ski Council
- Results - Find by Person');
          //Set drop down fields
'fields' =>
'fields' => array('season','season'),'group'=>array('season'))));
'fields' => array('racenum','racenum'),'group'=>array('racenum'))));
'fields' => array('class','class'),'group'=>array('class'))));

                if (!empty($this->data['Result']['location'])) {

                        $this->redirect(array("controller" => "results",
                      "action" => $this->data['Result']['location']));

                        }else{$this->Session->setFlash('Season is required.');}
Would it be in the view associated with the redirect?

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