I have an form/action that I am trying to get to redirect based on
submitted values....

For some reason when I try to get my form to redirect to my url I get:
Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
by ....CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 746

My goal is to get the form to redirect to the action and eventually
include parameter values in the redirect as well.

I hope I made this clear to everyone. I have included my code below.

action code:
if (!empty($this->data['Result']['location'])) {

                        $this->redirect(array("controller" => "results",
                      "action" => $this->data['Result']['location']));

form code:


echo $form->create('Result', array('action' => 'findrace'));

echo $form->input('location',array('type'=>'select','options'=>
echo $form->input('season',array('type'=>'select','empty'=>'Select
echo $form->input('racenum',array('type'=>'select','empty'=>'Select
One','options'=>$races,'label'=>'Race #'));
echo $form->input('sex',array('type'=>'select','empty'=>'Select
echo $form->input('class',array('type'=>'select','empty'=>'Select
echo $form->submit();

echo $form->end();
print '<small>*required field</small>';


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