I have my data array from find->list and made a multiple checkbox set.

Problem is I want more than 1 per row so im trying to do a foreach and
manually create the checkbox wrapped inside my div so I can get 3 across per
row, end row start new.

I have the layout fine with the css ending after 3 </div> start new row 
       <div class="chechrow">checkbox</div>
       <div class="chechrow">checkbox</div>
       <div class="chechrow">checkbox</div>

       <div class="chechrow">checkbox</div>
       <div class="chechrow">checkbox</div>
       <div class="chechrow">checkbox</div>
</div>..so on you get the idea

Problem is it wont work.

Standard data set array(
[0] => Something
[1] => Something Else)

So I loop thru each 

<?php foreach ($option as $key => $value):?>

<?php echo $this->Form->input( 'Option', array( 'type' => 'checkbox',
'label' => $value, 'value' => $key, 'div' => false, 'legend' => false)):?>

I get input hidden with each one.

<input type="hidden" name="data[Option][ Option][]" id=" OptionOption_"
value="0" /><input type="checkbox" name="data[Option][ Option][]"
label="Arts and Culture" value="" id="JobDutyJobDuty"/></div>

If I debug $key I get the value yet it never shows up in the code value = 0?
And why all the hidden elements?

I added what appears on the regular input multiple checkbox section and
added that before my foreach => <input type="hidden"
name="data[Option][Option]" value="" id="OptionOption" />

Anyone see where I have gone wrong?




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