Thank you for your reply guys,... Have any one tried Rating from CAKE
I don't know can it work on my version,... I don't even know what
version I have and how can I check it...
And if possible to migrate to new 1.3.x.x. version...


On Dec 1, 2:55 pm, Salines <> wrote:
> Create new table:
> | id | fociki_blog_id | like | dislike | user_id | created |
> and add some logic to your code
> On 1 pro, 16:38, John Andersen <> wrote:
> > What are your requirements with regard to:
> > - tracking which user used the Like and the Dislike buttons?
> > - tracking when the Like or Dislike event took place?
> > - statistics on the Like and Dislike event over time (total, within
> > last 3 months, last week, location, etc)?
> > I would register the Like and Dislike event in a separate table,
> > possibly together with the foreign key to the user who did it.
> > Something like:
> > fociki_blogs -> hasMany -> like_indications <- belongsTo <- users
> > users -> hasMany -> like_indications <- belongsTo <- fociki_blogs
> > The rest is up to you :) Enjoy,
> >    John
> > On 1 Dec., 15:49, "" <> wrote:
> > > hii All,... please help,... I need to create like and dislike buttons
> > > for users to use in my social network BLOG section, something like in
> > > a facebook. Please advise,... should I take it to a new table or add
> > > fields in existing one,... this is what I have so far...
> > > CREATE TABLE `fociki_blogs` (
> > >   `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
> > >   `user_id` int(11),
> > >   `category_id` int(11),
> > >   `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
> > >   `topic` text NOT NULL,
> > >   `last_comment` datetime default NULL,
> > >   `comments` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
> > >   `privacy` int(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
> > >   `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
> > >   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
> > > THANKS !

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