function confirmPassword() {
                return (($this->data[$this->alias]['password']) ==

Code 1
function confirmPassword() {
                        $hash = Security::hash($this->data[$this->alias]
['confirm_password'], null, true);

                        if($this->data[$this->alias]['password'] == $hash) {
                                return true;

                        return false;

Code 2

The custom function to check password if matched is always triggered
which means it is always not the same, I tried entering the same value
for both fields every time but it is triggered.

The full code is below:
class User extends AppModel
                var $name = 'User';

                var $validate = array (

                'username' => array(
                        'notEmpty' => array(
                                'rule' => 'notEmpty',
                                'message' => 'This field cannot be blank.',
                                'last' => true,
            'uniqueCheck' => array(
                                'rule' => 'isUnique',
                                'message' => 'That username has already been 
                                'last' => true,
            'lengthCheck' => array(
                                'rule' => '/^.{6,40}$/',
                                'message' => 'Minimum username 6 characters.',
                                'last' => true,

                'email' => array(
            'notEmpty' => array(
                  'rule' => 'notEmpty',
                  'message' => 'This field cannot be blank.',
                  'last' => true,
            'email' => array(
                  'rule' => 'email',
                  'message' => 'That is not a valid email address.',
                                  'last' => true,

                'confirm_password' => array(
                        'notEmpty' => array(
                                'rule' => 'notEmpty',
                                'message' => 'This field cannot be blank.',
                                'last' => true,
                        'lengthCheck' => array(
                                'rule' => '/^.{6,40}$/',
                                'message' => 'Minimum password 6 characters.',
                                'last' => true,
                        'checkMatch' => array(
                                'rule' => 'confirmPassword',
                                'message' => 'Both passwords should match.',
                                'last' => true,



        function confirmPassword() {
                    $hash = Security::hash($this->data[$this->alias]
['confirm_password'], null, true);

                        if($this->data[$this->alias]['password'] == $hash) {
                                return true;

                        return false;



Can anyone see how the function be triggered indefinitely for every
same passwords entered?

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