On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 2:10 PM, chris...@yahoo.com <chris...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Sam,
> thanks for help...
> and how do I do that...?
> Here is another example, what I have is a video to be favorite. And
> once its favorite it, the button "Add to Favorites" should not be
> seen.
> The table for favorites I have is:
>  id     int(11)         UNSIGNED        No              auto_increment
>  video_id       int(11)         UNSIGNED        No      0
>  user_id        int(11)                 No      0
>  video_user_id  int(11)         UNSIGNED        No      0
>  created
> where video_user_id is original video poster.
> I need to create this statement
> e.g. <?php if(($favorite['VideoFavorite']['user_id']  == )): ?> ...??
> I don't know how... lol

Check against $this->Session->read('Auth.User.id').

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