Thank you Shadow,
I have straight it up,... I got resume working but I got different
But I still have problems on Favorite issues,...
Once the User favorite say some group, or video,...
the button to "Add to Favorites" MUST BE REPLACED WITH "Remove
I want to know how to make that statement in php... I don't know
how... lol I'm still a newbie,... but have some experiance from long
time ago. And what I'm doing is creating Social Network site, and with
little or no knowlllege at all do so far this much. Can you PLEASE
help me with my project??

Or anyone... ??

Here is my question again:

<?php if( WHAT THE HELL IS IN HERE ??? oopps... ($group['Group']
['id'])): ?>


On Jan 24, 12:25 pm, ShadowCross <> wrote:
> Chris, forgive me if I'm not reading your original request properly,
> because I seem to be missing something...
> In CakePHP, the view.ctp is usually used to display the contents of an
> EXISTING record, so having the option to "Create Resume" using this
> view doesn't make sense to me.  In fact, if you baked the
> ResumeController, the view function would look something like this:
>         function view($id = null) {
>                 if (!$id) {
>                         $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid resume', true));
>                         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
>                 }
>                 $this->set('resume', $this->Resume->read(null, $id));
>         }
> In the default baked view function, the $id passed is the id of the
> resume record, not the user_id in the resume table.  So if the resume
> doesn't exist, cake redirects to the index action and doesn't display
> the resumes/view.ctp.
> Assuming the following:
>         User hasOne Resume
>         Resume belongsTo User
> the dynamic option to Create Resume vs. Edit/Delete Resume seems to be
> more appropriate in the users/view.ctp.  For example, I would probably
> code it like this (note that this code is untested -- just going off
> "memory"):
> users_controller.php:
>         function view($id = null) {
>                 if (!$id) {
>                         $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid user', true));
>                         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
>                 }
>                 $this->User->contain('Resume');  // include hasOne Resume in 
> result
> set
>                 $this->set('user', $this->User->read(null, $id));
>         }
> users/view.ctp:
>         <?php
>                 if ($user['Resume']['id']) {
>                         // Resume id exists, so user already has a resume on 
> file
>                         echo $this->Html->link(__('Edit Resume'), true)), 
> '/resumes/edit' .
> $user['Resume']['id'], array('class' => 'edit'));
>                         echo $this->Html->link(__('Delete Resume'), true)), 
> '/resumes/
> delete/' . $user['Resume']['id'], array('class' => 'delete'));
>                 } else {
>                         // Resume id does not exist, allow the user to create 
> one.
>                         echo $this->Html->link(__('Create Resume'), true)), 
> '/resumes/add',
> array('class' => 'album'));
>                 }
>         ?>
> resumes_controller.php:
>         function add() {
>                 if (!empty($this->data)) {
>                         $this->Resume->create();
>                         // Force the resume to be associated with the current 
> logged-in
> user (via AuthComponent)
>                         $this->data['Resume']['user_id'] = 
> $this->Auth->user('id');
>                         if ($this->Resume->save($this->data)) {
>                                 $this->Session->setFlash(__('The resume has 
> been saved', true));
>                                 $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
>                         } else {
>                                 $this->Session->setFlash(__('The resume could 
> not be saved.
> Please, try again.', true));
>                         }
>                 }
>         }
> =====
> Since you've defined the function "create" in your
> resumes_controller.php, I am assuming you created a "view" function
> that differs greatly from the default view function normally baked by
> cake (the default function name when "baked" is "add").  I'll make the
> big jump and assume that your view function is defined something like:
>         function view() {
>                 $user_id = $this->Auth->user('id');
>                 $this->set('resume', $this->Resume->find('first', 
> array('user_id' =>
> $user_id)));
>         }
> where you are acessing the resume record based on the user_id and not
> the id of the resume record.  If that is the case, you can basically
> check if the id (of the resume record, not the user_id) is null.  If
> the id is null, it indicates that a resume record was not found, so
> display the "create" link; otherwise display the "edit" and "delete"
> links.
> You might want to consider this alternative: in the controller,
> instead of immediately saving the result set of the find() to the view
> variable, save it to a local variable (i.e. $resume), check if the id
> is defined; if not, display a session flash message indicating that
> there is no resume on file, then redirect to the create action,
> otherwise, save the local variable to the view variable and resume as
> normal.  That way, you don't have to deal with displaying the "name"
> and "content" field headers with blank values and checking whether to
> display the create vs. edit/delete links -- the user will be shown the
> form to enter their resume info, avoiding the extra step of having to
> click the "Create Resume" button; s/he can just as easily navigate
> away from that page as s/he would from your original (blank) view.ctp.
> On Jan 23, 2:59 pm, "" <> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I wanna to make a statement in ../views/resume/view.ctp
> > I have a table named: resume
> >  id     int(11)         UNSIGNED        No              auto_increment
> >  user_id        int(11)                 Yes     NULL
> >  name   varchar(120)    latin1_swedish_ci               No
> >  content        text    latin1_swedish_ci               No
> > and in view... when resume is created, link to "Create Resume" will be
> > replaced with "Edit Resume" and "Delete Resume"
> > How do I do that...?
> > What I have is manage to do is just a links:
> > <span style="float: right; margin: 0 5px 0 0;">
> >   <?php echo $html->link(ucfirst(__('create Resume', true)), '/resumes/
> > create', array('class' => 'album'), false, false, false) ?>
> >      <?php echo $html->link(__('edit Resume', true), '/resumes/
> > edit/' . $resume['Resume']['id'], array('class' => 'edit'), false,
> > false) ?>
> >      <?php echo $html->link(__('delete Resume', true), '/resumes/
> > delete/' . $resume['Resume']['id'], array('class' => 'delete'), false,
> > false) ?>
> > </span>
> > Mucho Thanks in advance ... !!!
> > Chris
> On Jan 23, 2:59 pm, "" <> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I wanna to make a statement in ../views/resume/view.ctp
> > I have a table named: resume
> >  id     int(11)         UNSIGNED        No              auto_increment
> >  user_id        int(11)                 Yes     NULL
> >  name   varchar(120)    latin1_swedish_ci               No
> >  content        text    latin1_swedish_ci               No
> > and in view... when resume is created, link to "Create Resume" will be
> > replaced with "Edit Resume" and "Delete Resume"
> > How do I do that...?
> > What I have is manage to do is just a links:
> > <span style="float: right; margin: 0 5px 0 0;">
> >   <?php echo $html->link(ucfirst(__('create Resume', true)), '/resumes/
> > create', array('class' => 'album'), false, false, false) ?>
> >      <?php echo $html->link(__('edit Resume', true), '/resumes/
> > edit/' . $resume['Resume']['id'], array('class' => 'edit'), false,
> > false) ?>
> >      <?php echo $html->link(__('delete Resume', true), '/resumes/
> > delete/' . $resume['Resume']['id'], array('class' => 'delete'), false,
> > false) ?>
> > </span>
> > Mucho Thanks in advance ... !!!
> > Chris

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