Well, I don't want all belongsTo relations to allow NULL selections; logically, 
I only want this allowed for those defined in the database as allowing NULL 
values. So my question is how can I do that, and my second question is why the 
default cake baking templates don't already do that.

On Jan 24, 2011, at 04:53, euromark wrote:

> you will need to create a custom template
> /templates/custom/views/form.ctp
> and add your empty=>'' snippet for all "belongsTo" relations
> On 24 Jan., 02:45, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> Thanks, that works great, specifically:
>>         echo $this->Form->input('some_id', array('empty' => ''));
>> But I wonder why the bake templates don't set that up properly for me, and 
>> how I could modify the bake templates to do so.

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