Is this in a model or a controller? I am guessing it's in a controller because 
you have a redirect statement. To make it run as afterDelete you need to move 
it into the model (afterDelete is a model callback) and then you'd need to 
remove the redirect statement because it will error.

Jeremy Burns
Class Outfit

On 24 Feb 2011, at 03:36, adam_g2000 wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I have this method I've written...
> function tidyup() {
>       //Re-sort orders to remove the 'hole'
>       // Create an array of the image table contents of IDs and Orders.
>       $conditions = array(
>                                       'fields' => array('id','order'),
>                                       'order' => 'Image.order ASC'
>       );
>       $images = $this->Image->find('all', $conditions);
>       //Loop through looking for order/count disparity and tidying up when
> disparity is found.
>       $counter = 1;
>       foreach ($images as $image):
>               if ($image['Image']['order'] != $counter) {
>                       $image['Image']['order'] = $counter;
>                       $this->Image->save($image, false, array('id','order'));
>               }
>               $counter++;
>       endforeach;
>       $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
> }
> reorder a list of Images in a database table once one is
> deleted. This works perfectly.
> However, what I really want to do is have it triggered automatically
> once an Image is deleted.
> So I would expect just changing function tidyup to function
> afterDelete should work perfectly. When I do that, the function never
> runs.
> Can I get a sanity check please? Can anyone spot my error?
> Thanks in advance for any offers of assistance.
> -- 
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