Hey acl68, thanks for that, definitely does point me in the right
direction. I need to go off and brush up a bit on my javascript but
hopefully what you've given me will do the job.


On Feb 25, 1:58 pm, acl68 <c...@anjaliebermann.de> wrote:
> Hi Sandwich,
> I did something simliar like you want to do with the checkboxes with a drop-
> down list. I didn't use the searchable-behaviour-for-cakephp but used AJAX
> instead.
> On top of my search from ctp I includ a JavaScript file:
> <script type="text/javascript" src="/ww/js/foodselect.js"></script>
> In my search form I have my dropdown:
> echo $this->Form->input('category_id', array('onChange' =>
> 'getFoodByCategory()', 'empty' => '---'));
> foodselect.js:
> function getFoodByCategory() {
>         var category_id = 
> document.getElementById('UserpointCategoryId').value;
>         // alert(category_id);
>         // alert('/ww/foods/getFoodByCategory/' + category_id);
>         $.post('/ww/foods/getFoodByCategory/' + category_id, function(data) {
> document.getElementById('UserpointFoodIdDiv').innerHTML = data;
>         });
> }
> in my foods controller I have the function:
>         function getFoodByCategory($category_id = null) {
>                 $this->layout='ajax';
>                 $this->Food->recursive = 0;
>                 $this->Food->order = array('Food.name asc');
>                 $param = array( 'conditions' => array('Food.category_id' =>
> $category_id));         $foodall = $this->Food->find('all',$param);
>                 foreach ($foodall as $food){
>                         $li[$food['Food']['id']] = $food['Food']['name'].' ('.
> $food['Food']['points'].' Punkte)';
>                 }
>                 $this->set('foods',$li);
>         }
> This together fills my another dropdown with my food selection, but you can
> also have a div filles with an index table, depending what you want.
> the output is formatted in the file /views/foods/get_food_by_category.ctp
> In my case it creates the dropdown:
> <?php
> //debug($foods);
> echo '<select name="data[Userpoint][food_id]" id="UserpointFoodId">';
> foreach($foods as $key => $value){
>         echo utf8_decode ( '<option value="'.$key.'">'.$value.'</option>');}
> echo '</select>';
> ?>
> In Javascript a dropdown is easier to handle than checkboxes, as you might
> know, but they should also work.
> Hoep that example helps
> Anja
> Am Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2011, um 20:13:03 schrieb MeatSandwich:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm new to cakephp and only know a bit of php so I'm on a steep
> > learning curve since although I've made websites using php and mysql
> > before they were all a bit simple. I'm not looking for code here but
> > some pointers for me so I know what to learn.
> > The app I'm making will end up with lots of members and I'd like to
> > make a search function so people can find other people easily. I've
> > discovered searchable-behaviour-for-cakephp and hopefully that'll
> > provide most of what I want but as another way to search rather than a
> > text box, I'd also like to have the letters of the alphabet so a user
> > can click and go straight to that letter.
> > As well as that, members will say in their profiles what their
> > favourite animals are, ie cats/dogs/horses etc - they'll have 20 to
> > choose from. I'd like my search function to have checkboxes
> > representing each animal and someone who was searching could check the
> > dogs box and only people who like dogs will be listed, they could then
> > also check cats box and the members who like dogs and cats will be
> > shown. If possible I'd like the list to update automatically as each
> > box is clicked.
> > I have everything else set up and only need help with this search
> > part. Assuming searchable-behaviour-for-cakephp does me for my text
> > search box, I reckon the alphabet thing will be something like making
> > a link for each letter and somehow making that link run a query,
> > hopefully that will work.
> > But the checkbox thing that updates automatically I'm not sure about.
> > Is it ajax I need? Are there any particular methods I should be using?

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