LOL sorry.

Try this again. 
Imagine a 2 col layout left side is nav and under the nav are pictures of 4
apples with text / size / price (these apple details are pulled when you
visit apples page / the index of

The sidenav has Apples / Oranges / Peaches

You click on oranges it ajax loads oranges into the main col so the left
side never changed (good) But oranges has nothing to do with apples so you
do not get any apple info but since the left side never changed because the
link was ajax the 4 apples are still there as they were (good)

Right click / bookmark open a oranges or peaches pages directly with HTTP
request your loading a fresh template / layout and apple element with the
apple element on the side but no apple info is pulled since its not related
at all. I need to get apple info on every page no matter what page your on,
or how you get to it so I figured if the apple element said to itself
everytime its loaded getAppleInfo() with requestAction this would solve the
problem. (some apples might be sold out, not in season) so apple data
changes thru out the users visit when http requests are made (other links
besides Oranges and Peaches)

**I know about caching just left it out to not complicate thing even more

Hope that gives you a better idea.



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Dr. Loboto
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 11:25 AM
To: CakePHP
Subject: Re: requestAction question

Now I don't understand what do you need. Change other part of page
when load something by AJAX? Just make other AJAX request to update
this part too.

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