Thanks Chris, Will do.


On Apr 4, 4:38 pm, Chris <> wrote:
> Sounds perfect to me, And to anticipate any issues you might have...
> Here is a good little github project that 
> providesACLmanagement
> Just read it up on the CakePHP book listed on that project, try out
> theACL+Auth setup on a dummy project first and then go ahead. Thats
> what I would do.
> On Apr 4, 12:13 am, adam_g2000 <> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I've been working on a project, that is essentially an artists
> > portfolio. She's just dropped a bombshell, previously, the
> > authentication was simple. You either had rights to view the site and
> > it's CMS or you had the rights to view only the site.
> > Now she wants to *lock* certain areas of the site, so that she can
> > show some work, to only some people. So it sounds to me like I need to
> > learn theACLcomponent. Or is that too complicated for what I'm
> > doing?
> > the site mainly consists of visual 'lists' of links to images (which
> > are in a db of course). In a page of these links, I'm showing the
> > whole list, within a controllers method. When we move forward, it may
> > be that the method will need to show only some of these links based on
> > theACL, is this level of granularity possible, or does simpleACL
> > stop at the method?
> > Thanks in advance for any advice,
> > Adam.

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