> > Anyway if you get the flash messages, it should be consumed by the login
> > action. Meaning that if you enter wrong credentials, and thus the login
> > message shows again, then the $this->Session->flash('auth') line should
> > consume the message.
> I would guess (that recipe isn't in my RAW pdf, which I haven't
> updated) the issue is that if you rely on auth to log you in by
> username - and rely on the users' login action to log you in by email
> that means if you login by email the following happens:
> auth startup
> (auto) auth->login
>  fail
>  add flash message
> run login ation
>  try to login
>  success
>  redirect user

That's exactly right

> There's nothing in the auth component to clear out the auth error
> message upon login, therefore the "sorry, couldn't log you in" message
> is (obviously) still in the session - and you'll see it on the next
> page to render.

You are right, and I didn't understand what the problem was originally.

> > What you can do is remove the $this->Session->flash('auth') from your
> > layout, and instead place it in your app/views/users/login.ctp view,
> since
> > that's where the user will be redirected if there's an auth error anyway.
> Forgive me for saying that's a horrible idea. Why not just session-
> >delete the flash message in the controller action after successfully
> logging in a user?

I don't think showing the *AUTH* flash messages in the login screen is a
*horrible* idea. The login view is by default where you are taken after an
auth issue, and since the auth flash messages are how the Auth component
tells you about the auth issue, then showing those messages where the user
is redirected makes sense. Saying that's a horrible idea is wrong, to say
the list. Maybe it's horribly wrong?

In any way, I do like the idea of deleting the flash message
upon successful login.

John: all you'd need to do, is add the following line right below the "if
(!empty($user) && $this->Auth->login($user)) {" condition:


PS: Andy, how is it that you did not get an updated RAW version?

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