Hi List, Cricket,

How would version rollout work? With a single codebase, and thus a
relatively userbase, the project gets big quickly. Customers request
different features, you'll look at all the feature requests and will
decide to implement a few that make sense to the whole lot.

There comes a time where you want to introduce these new features a
few months after your clients have been modifying their site, both the
templates/views/layout and maybe by extending it with client based
code or a little custom scripting at certain places (if the webapps
design allows your clients to do this). You cant just roll out code
anymore to each and every one of your customers automaticly, at least
not without allowing your customers to switch and do a test run for a
few weeks to see if everything still works as it should with your new

Any ideas about this? Preferably you want them the ability to switch
back and forth between versions, while working with the live dataset.
Atleast for a certain period of gracetime, and once this time has
passed you flip the switch and the bleeding edge version gets forced.
Or maybe just give them the permanent option of running the bleeding
edge version, or the previous more stable one?

Ofcourse you could do without all this, especially if there is no way
for the client to extend or interface with his own code/developers,
but you would have to make damn sure there are no bugs introduced, or
you'll have the whole userbase complaining!

On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 5:37 AM, cricket <zijn.digi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ha! You and me both. Another reason to use shell scripts.

Yep good thing I'm just a dev, not a sysop, no need for me to be
bothered with the petty details of server maintenance anyway :] I just
deal with the general design.

Regards, Yuka

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