I've always thought about that same issue. I think there's some good
JQuery  / Ajax image upload and cropping plugins.

On a basic level, I'd probably allow an upload then refresh the same
page after the successful upload. On reload, the page would be in the
"editing" state, so instead of just showing the photo they just
loaded, it's shown within the cropping editor with a "save changes"
button below. Upon clicking that, the co-ordinates are sent to the
controller action again and the page is reloaded again, this time with
the final cropped / edited photo in place.

I'd likely try to streamline this with Ajax image uploading though.

Take a look at Malsup's Ajax image upload plugin for JQuery.

On Apr 18, 12:22 pm, "Krissy Masters" <naked.cake.ba...@gmail.com>
> This is not a code how to question, just general functionality how to
> question.
> I have a gallery, upload images and a cropper to select thumbs for the
> images all set up and functionality working.
> But I want to know how do you edit your thumbs? Click thumb edit > new page
> with the editor save selection redirect back to gallery set of images?
> If just found back and forth very annoying so im trying to come up with an
> easier 1 page type ajax setup but everything just seems to have its
> limitations.
> I had it in a lightbox which worked fine but everyone and their brother has
> a lightbox and its just so played out.
> Any ideas brainstorm thought would help a stuck baker!
> Thanks,
> K

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