> - Yeah, as you note Flent has a batch facility. Did you not use this
>   simply because you couldn't find it, or was there some other reason?
>   Would love some feedback on what I can do to make that more useful to
>   people... While I have no doubt that your 'flenter.py' works, wrapping
>   a wrapper in this sense makes me cringe a little bit ;)

Wait, what?  It does?  (I've been using wrapper scripts as well)

> - Flent also has a metadata gathering feature where you can get lots of
>   stats from both your qdisc-based bottlenecks, and your WiFi links.

Again, it does?  Neat!  (I try to bury data into the tag for the run...)

Question 5: For TCP you can't get packet loss from user space; you'll
> need packet captures for that. So no way to get it from Flent either.
> You can, however, get average throughput. Look at the box plots; if you
> run multiple iterations of the same test, you can plot several data
> files in a single box_combine plot, to get error bars. `flent
> file.flent.gz -f summary` (which is the default if you don't specify a
> plot) will get you averages per data series; or you can extract it from
> the metadata.

You don't get packet loss, per se, but you can periodically poll the
TCP_INFO struct via getsockopt() and get the retransmission count (which
more or less gives you the packet loss rate).  (which is what iperf3 does
to gather stats like it's view of rtt, retransmits, etc).

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