> On 8 Sep, 2019, at 3:03 am, Justin Kilpatrick <jus...@althea.net> wrote:
> So you believe that setting the target RTT closer to the path latency was not 
> the main contributor to reducing bloat? Is there a configuration I could use 
> to demonstrate that one way or the other? 

The second-order effect I mentioned is related to the 'target' parameter.  
Checking the code, I am reminded that while Cake itself can have 'target' set 
from userspace, there actually isn't a parameter to the tc module which allows 
setting it independently of 'rtt'.  But there *is* a table in q_cake.c (in tc) 
which you can temporarily extend with the following entries for experimentation:

static struct cake_preset presets[] = {
        {"datacentre",          5,              100},
        {"lan",                 50,             1000},
        {"metro",               500,            10000},
        {"regional",            1500,           30000},
        {"internet",            5000,           100000},
        {"oceanic",             15000,          300000},
        {"satellite",           50000,          1000000},
        {"interplanetary",      50000000,       1000000000},
+       {"metro-loose",         5000,           10000},
+       {"internet-tight",      500,            100000},

If the effect is genuinely due to marking rate, then 'metro-loose' should 
behave like 'metro' and 'internet-tight' should behave like 'internet', to a 
first-order approximation.  If, on the other hand, it's due to the second-order 
interaction with CPU scheduling latency, the reverse may be true.  The latter 
is not something you should be counting on, as it will insert random AQM 
marking even when the link is not actually saturated.

You could also set it back to 'internet' and progressively reduce the bandwidth 
parameter, making the Cake shaper into the actual bottleneck.  This is the 
correct fix for the problem, and you should notice an instant improvement as 
soon as the bandwidth parameter is correct.

 - Jonathan Morton
Cake mailing list

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