> On Nov 29, 2016, at 12:47 PM, Gaurav Jain <monkeyfd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> * Unfortunately, I lost my old installation (via SVN) of CalendarServer-7.0 
> in development env.
> * However,  Production env still runs  CalendarServer-7.0 via SVN.
> To test the upgrade, can I do following:
> 1) Create a CalendarServer-7.0 using GitHub
> 2) Create data and xml files thru clients
> 3) Upgrade to CalendarServer-9.0 using GitHub
> 4) Use calendarserver_upgrade to upgrade as necessary
> Would this be equivalent to test upgrade of CalendarServer-7.0 installed via 
> GitHub?

Yes, you will just have to do what Cyrus suggested to get 7.0 working from 
github. Once the service is operational, it doesn't really matter how the 
service was bootstrapped, and it doesn't influence the upgrade process.

I would suggest taking this opportunity to learn how to migrate / copy data and 
config from one instance to another, with the goal of being able to test the 
upgrade to v9 with a copy of your real data, but without taking the v7 instance 
out of service until you are comfortable that everything is working in v9. For 
the most part this just involves making a 'staging' copy of the PG DB, copying 
the configs / other data files over to a fresh CS instance, and tweaking stuff 
as needed for the specifics of the test environment (i.e. possibly different 
hostnames, different DB, etc). Then you can do the upgrade of the real data in 
the test instance, which is a better test than if you only use data created in 
a fresh v7 instance.


> On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 12:39 PM, Andre LaBranche <d...@apple.com 
> <mailto:d...@apple.com>> wrote:
>> On Nov 29, 2016, at 12:34 PM, Gaurav Jain <monkeyfd...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:monkeyfd...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Is 9.0 fully backward compatible with 7.0?
> Data created in 7 can be upgraded to 9. Data created in any version generally 
> cannot be used with an older version.
>> Are there any schema changes, XML structure changes between the two ?
> There are schema changes. I don't think there are any plist changes.
>> I have data created with 7.0. Would the upgrade work seamlessly?
> It should. Attempting to start the service for the first time after upgrading 
> should fail, with a message that upgrade is required. You can then call the 
> calendarserver_upgrade tool to do that upgrade.
>> Anything that needs to be taken care of?
> Just the standard testing / validation around any significant change.
> -dre
>> On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 12:32 PM, Andre LaBranche <d...@apple.com 
>> <mailto:d...@apple.com>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Several months ago, the repo moved from macosforge to github. Please see: 
>> https://github.com/apple/ccs-calendarserver/releases 
>> <https://github.com/apple/ccs-calendarserver/releases>
>> In particular, the 9.0 release: "This is the first release to support 
>> dependency bootstrapping following our move from macosforge to github."
>> Due to the differences between git and svn, it's not completely trivial to 
>> make a version older than 9.0 use github. Note that older versions of the 
>> code still work, but the bootstrapping won't, so you would have to manually 
>> satisfy the dependencies. It would likely be a better use of time to upgrade 
>> to 9.0.
>> -dre
>>> On Nov 29, 2016, at 12:21 PM, Gaurav Jain <monkeyfd...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:monkeyfd...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am using CalendarServer-7.0. I was able to install successfully so far.
>>> But today suddenly, on a fresh install, I get the following error:
>>> Please help me resolve this.
>>> Obtaining twextpy from 
>>> svn+http://svn.calendarserver.org/repository/calendarserver/twext/branches/release/twext-7.0-dev@15059#egg=twextpy
>>> <http://svn.calendarserver.org/repository/calendarserver/twext/branches/release/twext-7.0-dev@15059#egg=twextpy>
>>>  (from -r /opt/caldavd/CalendarServer-7.0/requirements-stable.txt (line 9))
>>>   Checking out 
>>> http://svn.calendarserver.org/repository/calendarserver/twext/branches/release/twext-7.0-dev
>>> <http://svn.calendarserver.org/repository/calendarserver/twext/branches/release/twext-7.0-dev>
>>>  (to revision 15059) to ./.develop/virtualenv/src/twextpy
>>> svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 
>>> 'http://svn.calendarserver.org/repository/calendarserver/twext/branches/release/twext-7.0-dev
>>> <http://svn.calendarserver.org/repository/calendarserver/twext/branches/release/twext-7.0-dev>'
>>> svn: E175013: Access to 
>>> '/repository/calendarserver/twext/branches/release/twext-7.0-dev' forbidden
>>>   Complete output from command svn checkout -q -r 15059 
>>> http://svn.calendarserver.org/repository/calendarserver/twext/branches/release/twext-7.0-dev
>>> <http://svn.calendarserver.org/repository/calendarserver/twext/branches/release/twext-7.0-dev>
>>>  /opt/caldavd/CalendarServer-7.0/.develop/virtualenv/src/twextpy:
>>>     ----------------------------------------
>>> Command "svn checkout -q -r 15059 
>>> http://svn.calendarserver.org/repository/calendarserver/twext/branches/release/twext-7.0-dev
>>> <http://svn.calendarserver.org/repository/calendarserver/twext/branches/release/twext-7.0-dev>
>>>  /opt/caldavd/CalendarServer-7.0/.develop/virtualenv/src/twextpy" failed 
>>> with error code 1 in None
>>>     ERROR: calendarserver_config not found!?
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