Ok guys so here is the first round of wire for the site:
http://cl.ly/2b0Q272K3s3d2u2V0s17 (I put couple of notes in red)

For those not familiar with wireframes, they are meant to be a quick and dirty 
visual guide to communicate basic layout and roughly what sort of information 
that goes onto the site. They are suppose to be like a skeleton with almost no 
aesthetics. No colour or any styling whatsoever. These wires are not meant to 
be pixel perfect. Texts are mostly just placeholders and even the icons will 
probably change in the final design. Typically we do this before doing higher 
fidelity mockups because making changes to wires is much quicker than updating 
hi-def photoshop file. When everyone is happy with what they see in the wires 
(which I will most likely be making couple of revisions of,) I will move on to 
creating a high fidelity mockup which will be very close to what the site would 
actually look like.

So just to recap, regarding these wires, let's NOT talk about: colours, how the 
icons look, how the buttons look, font settings, line thickness and so on. 
Let's focus on the information that is being displayed and whether it makes 
sense for the potential visitors to the site.


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