Keith Holmes wrote:
> [ the flow into a swing from a left hands joined wave balance ]
> The way to make it flow is to balance left first, which is what the author
> intended.

As a dancer I (believe I) automatically balance waves first towards the
person I'm doing something with next.  So here I would balance left and
then right, and my momentum would be just right for the swing.  The
awkwardness for me is in the hands; holding left hands with partner and
trying to pull in out of the balance into the swing is weird.

Still as a (male) dancer, I could try one of these:
 * not worry about hands, just step together to swing
 * pull together by the left, let go hands, step forward into a
   standard swing hold.
 * do a left hands joined swing (gender neutral or left hands joined
   over the head).
 * try some fancy leading (twirl under as Rich/Gale suggest?  Or a
   rory o more turn to join right and then a pull into the swing,
   or ... ?)

None of these are that great.  The first is unconnected, the second is
likely to uncontrolledly smash you together, the third requires the
other person to know the other swing position and put their hands in the
right place and the weight is a bit funny at first, and the last
requires leading and following which the caller can't count on.

So is there some way to make this work nicely?  Ideally something that
can be simply taught by a caller?


Jeff Kaufman

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