On 5/9/08, Rickey <hol...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hi Callers,
>  I am working up two dances that I am having trouble with.  The evening I am
>  preparing them for is tomorrow night. The dances are Turning Point and A
>  Rollin and A Tumblin.  Here are the dances and my questions:
>  (1) Turning Point (do you know the author)

Gene Hubert (It's "The Turning Point")
Your transcription appears to be correct.

>  When my wife and I walk this at home I believe that she has an abrupt change
>  of direction to get from the circle left ½ to the partner swing, and I know
>  that I have a similar abrupt change of direction to get from the circle left
>  ½  to the neighbor do-si-do, if I am correct to do that with the neighbors
>  who are then below me.  This seems do-able, even fun, but, as it seems
>  unusual, I wanted to try and be sure that it was correct.

The first is the same sort of transition as appears in the A1 of "Alternating
Corners" or "Roll in the Hey."

The second is the same deal as the women's role in "Midwest Folklore",
among other dances. You can use the connection of the circle to pull
into the do-si-do. (I assume your description of "below" is from the
viewpoint of Man #1.)

-Chris Page
San Diego

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