Coleman's March by Ted Crane, as I understand it:

A1) N R-hand balance, N box-the-gnat; Gents Alle L 1.5
A2) P B&S
B1) Circle L 1X; P Gypsy R only 1/2; Gents orbit CCW to cross the set while 
Ladies Gypsy L & back to place
B2) N Gypsy & Swing

On Feb 15, 2011, at 10:22 AM, JoLaine Jones-Pokorney wrote:

> Hi all – I’m new to the list and grateful for the good stuff I see here! I
> hope you can help me with this dance called “Coleman’s March” by Ted Crane.
> The way I have it written, there is no progression and I can’t figure out
> what is wrong.  This is what I have:
> A1 – LLF&B, Women Allemande L 1.5
> A2 – Partner B&Sw, Circle L 1x
> B1 – Partner Gypsy ½, Women Gypsy while men orbit.
> B2 – Neighbor G&Sw
> Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
> Thanks,
> JoLaine Jones-Pokorney
> Gainesville Oldtime Dance Society, GODS
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