I think the "Caller's Digest" subject is inserted automatically when someone
responds to a post that was sent to them as a "digest" of the entire day of
postings.  Getting the emails in "digest" form is an option for anyone on
the list.  Unfortunately, most mail readers cannot detect which specific
email the author is responding to.

I don't have a good solution.  If you're tracking subject headings the
"digest" postings will not be grouped properly by your software.  It may not
be reasonable to expect the "digest" users to type or paste in the exact
subject line when they respond.

- Greg McKenzie


On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Liz and Bill

> Hi Folks,
>     This is a great forum, and I often search over the past posts. We have
> a few threads
> going which have subjects unrelated to their content.  "Quadrille Formation
> and ONS"
> is about dance space. "Callers Digest ... " is uninformative.   Please take
> care to change subject when appropriate. Thanks.
> Cheers, Bill
> _______________________________________________
> Callers mailing list
> call...@sharedweight.net
> http://www.sharedweight.net/mailman/listinfo/callers

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