Count me in on the web list, too. Martha, I've been pretty happy with Joomla, 


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Martha Edwards
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 4:08 PM
To: Caller's discussion list
Subject: Re: [Callers] contra dance webmasters unite!

Chip - I've been using *Joomla *for our site here in St Louis ( for about a year. For myself, it's the perfect blend of 
front-end ease-of-use for content updaters and  back-end flexibility for the 
designer-techie who wants to make the site jump through a few hoops. I love it. 
I can do things I always needed to hire a programmer to do before - like make 
online registration forms that send you an email with the registration info AND 
send the registrant on to PayPal (thank you, Chronoforms!).

However, since it looks as if, in the big Content Management Systems shakeout, 
there are three popular survivors, *WordPress, Joomla,* and * Drupal*, I've 
done some investigation into the other two as well.

If the folks making the web site don't have a bunch of tech experience as a web 
designer or programmer, I'd probably recommend *WordPress*. It's a lot easier 
for non-techies to set up, and I've seen some spiffy sites done with it. On the 
other hand, I also hear it's a lot less flexible for web designer/programmers. 
In other words, if you want to do what IT wants you to do, it's GREAT, but if 
you want to do something slightly different, you may be out of luck. That makes 
sense, though. I figure you get extreme ease-of-use OR extreme flexibility, but 
not both. Don't know if you could do an online registration form with it, for 
example. Anyone have experience with this?

I can't imagine a contra dance group ever needing something like *Drupal*, 
which (I hear) falls squarely in the techie (extreme flexibility) camp. But 
hey, if you've got someone who knows it, rumor has it that it can do amazing 

Uh-oh, just realized that we're not already on the contradance web-stuff 
discussion list. My apologies.

So, in penance, and to keep the discussion about dance, I will include here a 
link to my cute little double grand square Flash 

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