On Sep 16, 2011, at 12:51 PM, Chip Hedler wrote:

> (Bizarre aside: anyone remember Second Life? Wouldn't it be cool if you
> could program avatars to do dance moves and have a virtual contra dance, or
> test dance sequences? Actually, forget that! It's totally against what I
> value about real dancing! )

I sent the following e-mail to the MWSD caller's list on April 1, 2010...

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Clark Baker <cmba...@tiac.net>
> Date: April 1, 2010 12:37:41 AM EDT
> To: sd-call...@all8.com
> Subject: Square Dancing in Second Life
> With the box office success of Avatar, you may be interested in my 
> experiences taking square dancing to Second Life.  In this virtual world, 
> users (residents) can interact with each other through avatars.   Residents 
> can explore, meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and 
> group activities, and create and trade virtual property and services with one 
> another, or travel throughout the world.
> Second Life has an internal currency, the Linden dollar (L$). L$ can be used 
> to buy, sell, rent or trade land or goods and services with other users.   L$ 
> can be purchased using US Dollars and other currencies on the LindeX exchange 
> provided by Linden Lab, independent brokers or other resident users.
> I put two and two together and created a square dance hall and offer square 
> dance lessons.  People pay in L$ but I have made enough to make more teaching 
> dancing in Second Life than at some dances in the real world!  I know that 
> some of you are going to say that teaching square dancing in virtual reality 
> doesn't count, and that the computer users should meet and interact with real 
> people.  However, I believe that they are square dancing, and any kind of 
> square dancing is better than nothing.
> Let us know what you think.

Clark Baker, Belmont, MA

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