On 28/02/2012 9:07 p.m., Chris Page wrote:
There's no official term for this. I also think of it as "progressed improper".

Rick Mohr's written a number of dances like this -- for instance:
Leave the Wine, My Marbles Have Many Moods, Synchronicity. These are
all dances that can start proper, but after the first time default to
progressed improper. (Another curiosity that starts improper and then
converts to other formations is "People of the Pond" by Jim Saxe.)

Hi Chris (or Jim),

Could I please have a copy of "People of the Pond"? Googling failed to find it.

        Thanks for pointing out Rick Mohr's dances which are "progressed 
Leave the Wine, (Synchronicity and My Marbles ...) effectively start improper at B1b (or B2b), but by writing the dances like he did, he gets the swings all finishing at the end of the phrases.

Cheers, Bill

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