Hi Donna

I use mixers once or twice at my dances. I tell them it is a mixer, and normally don't ask people to take partners, but just join a large circle alternating man woman. Can always use concentric circles if hall is too small for one. Scatter mixers are the most
fun when it is crowded.

Here are a few:

Based on Love and Kisses but a bit easier

A Grand Mixer   Circle Mixer

A1      Partner Promenade (Men back out to start a )                    
A2 Partner Sashay (i.e. the motion of a mad robin - lady starts sliding left in front of gent);
        Corner Dosido    (end facing the corner for a ..)               
B1 (starting with corner) Right and Left Grand (4 changes R,L,R,L [keep hold left hands] turn back, then 3 changes L,R,L - each bit 2 beats)
B2      (back to corner) Dosido and Swing  (or Balance and Swing)(keep as new 

Marmaduke Mixer         Allan Brozek    Circle Mixer    

A1      All go forward and back Repeat forward and back                 
A2 Ladies Promenade single file Left (CW) inside circle while Gents Promenade single file Right (CCW) outside, Turn around and Promenade single file back to partner
B1      All Gypsy with Partner step ahead to corner and Swing                   
B2      All promenade the one you swung                 

Comments: Variation for B1: Gypsy and swing partner, then take the corner and promenade.
Although it uses CL, CR, F&B it's a different order that flows nicely

Cabot School Mixer Ted Sannella Circle Mixer

A1 Circle Right; Forward and Back
A2: Circle Left; Corner Right Allemand 1 (4 beats), Partner Left Allemand 1 (4 beats)
B1: Corner Dosido; Swing
B2: Promenade

Star Crazy   Scatter Mixer

A1      (3 couples) Circle Left, Circle Right (keep moving same way for …)      
A2      Left hands across for Left hand star, right hands across for Right hand 
B1      (starting with lowest hands), Gents pull ladies thru and swing          
B2      scatter promenade (and look for 2 more couples) 

note: the fun begins when accidentally get a different number than 3 couples 

Cheers, Bill

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