
What is your experience working with bands to establish an appropriate
tempo?  Do bands ever ask you what tempo you want?  Do you ever request a
particular tempo to fit a dance?  Do you communicate tempo requirements
numerically (beats per minute) or maybe by tapping your feet?  When are
slower tempos appropriate and when are faster ones appropriate?  What do
you consider to be the range in beats per minute that is appropriate for
contra?  Some preliminary research told me that a range of 112-120 beats
per minute is appropriate.  Do you agree?

I've called with maybe 20-25 bands in my young calling career and only 2
have asked me for guidance or confirmation concerning the tempo of their
music (both bands play primarily for non-contra audiences, I believe).  I
told both bands to use their judgment, which produced satisfactory results
in all cases except one dance in which the band misunderstood my request
for a sultry/flirty tune to mean that they should play at about half the
tempo one would normally expect for contra, which proved terribly confusing
for the dancers.  The lesson I learned is that I ought to know more about
the range of tempo that is expected for contra and what tempos are
appropriate when so that I can provide that information to bands when asked.

Dugan Murphy
Cincinnati, Ohio

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