I guess the most important question I would ask is this: is this group  
planning on continuing as a contra dance series or are they only interested in 
a  one-night stand dance? And how many is "a large group"?

If it's a one night stand then I'd stay away from contras completely (other 
 than Virginia Reel, OXO and Boston Tea Party), but if they are interested 
in  continuing as a contra dance series that's another story.  

Donna Hunt
"Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while  we're here we should 
dance." -unknown 

In a message dated 7/23/2012 4:25:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
wins...@slac.stanford.edu writes:

Joseph  --

Unless you've had a bunch of experience calling longways duple  minors to 
non-dancers  -- I actually do, but it's in the context of  people who wanted 
to learn about Jane Austen-era dances and so are up for a  party with some 
lesson in it, aren't drinking, and won't wander away if they  don't get it 
instantly; this lets me get away with a somewhat rocky first  longways and 
then things get better - I would stay away from contras  generally.

Don't know if by "Virginia-reel type dances" you mean "small  set dances 
with a ones-to-the-bottom progression".  If you do, then I  think you've got 
this covered.

Even so, some  suggestions:
Orcadian  Strip the Willow
(Long line of couples.)

Top couple right-elbow turn  1.5 and face neighbor in the other line
Left elbow 1x with  neighbor
Right elbow 1x with partner
Left elbow 1x with next neighbor  
Repeat until end of line, where that couple turns to their own side (or  
not, in gender-neutral version)

Every 16 bars another couple starts the  sequence while previous couples 
are still going.  (So at 
the top of  A1 and the top of B1 every time through the tune).  

Biggest  problem is keeping people from starting too soon.  This is 
probably even  an easier dance gender-neutral than gendered because if people 
too far or  not far enough you can still just get them to turn the one they 
come to rather  than stopping and trying to fix it.)

["Orcadian" means "of the Orkney  Islands",  incidentally.]

Falling  Masonry
Easy, ceilidh
4-couple longways; 32-bar jigs.

A1: Hands  in lines, forward and back, drop hands, cross over, stay facing 
(Variants possible here with arching).

A2: Hands in lines,  backward into the set (touching glutes optional), 
drop hands, cross backward (same shoulder) into original lines.

B1:  "Falling Masonry" figure (like a collapsing chimney):
Tops gallop down while everyone else moves up (important);
new tops the same, until all four have galloped down.
(A new couple starts every two bars).

B2: 1s to the bottom  again, others move up, all swing when you arrive
in  progressed  place.


And  since I just got back from the Cumberland Gap dance week, here's two  
functionally gender-free
dances named after Cumberland (in  England):

>From "Barn Dance  Book"
Four-couple longways
32-bar JIGs

A1: 1s and 2s only, RH*,  LH*.

A2: 1s take two hands, gallop down to the bottom and back  again.


1-8:1s cast out to their own sides, lines  following,
then make an arch at the bottom;
everyone goes through with their partner.

9-16:When the new 1s get to  the top, they lead a double cast left and back
up the  middle to start the dance again.

(Funny notation was because the  suggested tune in the book had a 16-bar B, 
not repeated.
Read that as B1,  B2 if you  want.)

CDM1 - Tune is "My love she's but a  lassie yet" or any 32-bar reel or jig.
Square set

A1: Tops galop  across and back; men pass back-to-back first time, women
second time.  (But you don't have to express it that way.  Try  "couples 
keeping to the right each time, as if you were  driving".)

A2: Sides the same.

B1: Tops: right hands across,  left hands back.

B2: Sides the same.

A1: Tops basket.

A2:  Sides the same.

B1: All eight circle left - polka or skip-change  step.

B2: Change direction and promenade to place.  [Left-side  partner from 
square formation is on
The left (inside) in the  promenade; right-side partner is on the  outside.]


-----Original  Message-----
From: callers-boun...@sharedweight.net  
[mailto:callers-boun...@sharedweight.net] On Behalf Of  jsph...@aol.com
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 11:58 AM
To:  call...@sharedweight.net
Subject: [Callers] Gender Neutral Dance  Request

Hi All,
Just checking  to see if someone would have a few gender  
neutral dances to  share with me.  I will be calling to a large  group of 
non-dancers that  will mostly be same-sex couples.  I  was thinking of 
calling a 
few  circle mixers, Sicilian circles,  Virginia reel type dances and 
a  few contras. 

Any  feedback  would be greatly appreciated.


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