Hi Maia,
        Use simple dances with great music and build the move repertoire
slowly.  I use Circle Mixers to teach basic moves, then contra dances
like Jefferson & Liberty, Family Contra, Flirtation Reel and New Age
Petronella - these are great examples of dances which have a easy

        Use great music at 120bpm so that there is lots of energy.

        See http://www.contrafusion.co.uk/Contra.html#swinging for an
article on how to teach swinging.

Here is a simple circle mixer that is mainly for practice at swinging
and ending with the man on the left, lady on the right:

The Exchange Swing (by John Sweeney)
Circle Mixer

A1:     Into the Middle & Back; Neighbour Swing (= New Partner)
A2:     Circle Left; Circle Right
B1:     Partner Allemande Right; Partner Allemande Left
B2:     Partner Gypsy Meltdown

Another easy one for first-timers:
Virginia Reel Circle Mixer #24
Circle, Men on inside facing out

A1:     Partner Allemande Right
        Partner Allemande Left
A2:     Partner Dosido
        Partner Seesaw (Left Shoulder Dosido)
B1:     Partner Gypsy Meltdown (Right Shoulder Gypsy into a Swing)
B2:     Promenade around the circle
        Men move on then face new partner

            Happy dancing,

John Sweeney, Dancer, England   j...@modernjive.com 01233 625 362 &
07802 940 574
http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent

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